;// Themify Theme Scripts - http://themify.me/ // Themify Lightbox, Fixed Header and Parallax ///////////////////////// var ThemifyGallery, FixedHeader, ThemifyParallax; // Begin jQuery functions (function($) { function UpdateQueryString(a,b,c){ c||(c=window.location.href);var d=RegExp("([?|&])"+a+"=.*?(&|#|$)(.*)","gi");if(d.test(c))return b!==void 0&&null!==b?c.replace(d,"$1"+a+"="+b+"$2$3"):c.replace(d,"$1$3").replace(/(&|\?)$/,"");if(b!==void 0&&null!==b){var e=-1!==c.indexOf("?")?"&":"?",f=c.split("#");return c=f[0]+e+a+"="+b,f[1]&&(c+="#"+f[1]),c}return c; } // Scroll to Element ////////////////////////////// function themeScrollTo(offset, duration) { duration = duration || 800; $('html, body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: offset }, duration); } // Themify Scroll (function($, window, document, undefined) { // Create the defaults once var pluginName = "themifyScroll", defaults = { speed : 1800 }; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.onClicking = false; this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { sections: [], init : function() { var self = this, IE = this.ie(); self.sections = $('#main-nav li a').map(function(){ return this.hash || null; }).get(); self.sections.push('#header'); // click event $('body').on('click', 'a[href*=#]', function(e) { var $this = $(this), elementClick = $this.prop('hash'); if ( 'undefined' != typeof elementClick && elementClick.indexOf('#') != -1 && $(elementClick).length > 0 ) { var destination = $(elementClick).offset().top + 10, newHash = '#' + elementClick.replace('#', ''); if( $(elementClick).length === 0 ) { return; } // update state self.onClicking = true; e.preventDefault(); $("html,body").animate({ scrollTop: destination }, self.options.speed, function(){ // add active class $this.parent('li').addClass('current_page_item').siblings().removeClass('current_page_item'); if(elementClick.replace('#','') !== 'header'){ self.setHash(newHash); } else { self.clearHash(); } self.onClicking = false; }); } // close mobile menu if($(window).width() <= 768 && $('#main-nav').is(':visible')){ $('#menu-icon').trigger('click'); } }); // change hash url if( !IE || (IE && IE > 9) ) { this.changeHash(); } }, changeHash : function() { var self = this; if (self.sections.length > 0) { var didScroll = false, currentHash; $(window).scroll(function() { didScroll = true; }); setInterval(function() { if(self.onClicking) return; if ( didScroll ) { didScroll = false; currentHash = window.location.hash.replace(/^#\!\//, ""); if ( $(window).scrollTop() == 0 && currentHash != '' ) { self.clearHash(); } $.each(self.sections, function(index, value){ var section = value, obj = $(value); if (obj.length > 0) { var offsetY = obj.offset().top, elemHeight = obj.outerHeight(); if ( offsetY < window.pageYOffset && offsetY + elemHeight > window.pageYOffset ) { if( section == currentHash || section == '#header' ) return; self.setHash(section); $('a[href*='+section+']').parent('li').addClass('current_page_item').siblings().removeClass('current_page_item current-menu-item'); } } }); } }, 500); } }, setHash: function(hash) { if(history.pushState) { history.pushState(null, null, hash); } else { location.hash = hash; } }, clearHash: function() { // remove hash if ( window.history && window.history.replaceState ) { window.history.replaceState('', '', window.location.pathname); } else { window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '#'); } }, ie: function() { var undef, v = 3, div = document.createElement('div'), all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); while ( div.innerHTML = '', all[0] ); return v > 4 ? v : undef; } }; $.fn[pluginName] = function(options) { return this.each(function() { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); // Test if touch event exists ////////////////////////////// function is_touch_device() { return ('true' == themifyScript.isTouch) || !!('window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints' in window); } function is_ie() { return navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'; } // Start infinite scroll and isotope function infiniteIsotope(containerSelector, itemSelectorIso, itemSelectorInf, containerInfinite, doIso, isoColW) { // Get max pages for regular category pages and home var scrollMaxPages = parseInt(themifyScript.maxPages), $container = $(containerSelector), $containerInfinite = $(containerInfinite); // Get max pages for Query Category pages if ( typeof qp_max_pages != 'undefined') scrollMaxPages = qp_max_pages; if ((!$('body.list-post').length > 0) && doIso) { // isotope init $container.isotope({ masonry : { columnWidth : isoColW }, itemSelector : itemSelectorIso, transformsEnabled : false, animationEngine : 'jquery' }); $(window).resize(); } // infinite scroll $containerInfinite.infinitescroll({ navSelector : '#load-more a:last', // selector for the paged navigation nextSelector : '#load-more a:last', // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2) itemSelector : itemSelectorInf, // selector for all items you'll retrieve loadingText : '', donetext : '', loading : { img : themifyScript.loadingImg }, maxPage : scrollMaxPages, behavior : 'auto' != themifyScript.autoInfinite ? 'twitter' : '', pathParse : function(path, nextPage) { return path.match(/^(.*?)\b2\b(?!.*\b2\b)(.*?$)/).slice(1); } }, function(newElements) { // call Isotope for new elements var $newElems = $(newElements).hide(); // Mark new items: remove newItems from already loaded items and add it to loaded items $('.post.newItems').removeClass('newItems'); $newElems.addClass('newItems'); $newElems.imagesLoaded(function() { $newElems.fadeIn(); $('#infscr-loading').fadeOut('normal'); if (1 == scrollMaxPages) { $('#load-more, #infscr-loading').remove(); } // Apply lightbox/fullscreen gallery to new items if(typeof ThemifyGallery !== 'undefined'){ ThemifyGallery.init({'context': jQuery(themifyScript.lightboxContext)}); } if ( typeof jQuery.fn.carouFredSel !== 'undefined') { // Create carousel on portfolio new items createCarousel( $( '.type-portfolio.newItems .slideshow' ), 'normal' ); } if ((!$('body.list-post').length > 0) && doIso) { $container.isotope('appended', $newElems); } // Apply Transitin Effect if( themifyScript.transitionEffect ) { ThemifyParallax.parallaxElements(); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ThemifyBuilderModuleJs ) { ThemifyBuilderModuleJs.doAnimation(true); } } // reset the breakpoints for portfolio expander portfolio_item_break_point(); }); scrollMaxPages = scrollMaxPages - 1; if (1 < scrollMaxPages && 'auto' != themifyScript.autoInfinite) $('#load-more a').show(); }); // disable auto infinite scroll based on user selection if ('auto' == themifyScript.autoInfinite) { $('#load-more, #load-more a').hide(); } } // Initialize carousels function createCarousel(obj, mode) { obj.each(function() { var $this = $(this), this_id = $this.data('id'); $this.carouFredSel({ responsive : true, prev : '#' + this_id + ' .carousel-prev', next : '#' + this_id + ' .carousel-next', pagination : { container : '#' + this_id + ' .carousel-pager' }, circular : true, infinite : true, swipe: true, scroll : { items : 1, fx : $this.data('effect'), duration : parseInt($this.data('speed')) }, auto : { play : ('off' != $this.data('autoplay')), timeoutDuration : 'off' != $this.data('autoplay') ? parseInt($this.data('autoplay')) : 0 }, items : { visible : { min : 1, max : 1 }, width : 222 }, onCreate : function() { $this.closest('.slideshow-wrap').css({ 'visibility' : 'visible', 'height' : 'auto' }); $('.carousel-next, .carousel-prev', $this.closest('.slideshow-wrap')).hide(); $(window).resize(); } }); }); } // Fixed Header ///////////////////////// FixedHeader = { init : function() { this.headerHeight = $('#header').outerHeight() - $('#nav-bar').outerHeight(); if ( $('body').hasClass('ie') ) { $('html, body').addClass('iefix'); } $(window).on('scroll', this.activate) .on('touchstart.touchScroll', this.activate) .on('touchmove.touchScroll', this.activate); }, activate : function() { if ( $(window).scrollTop() <= FixedHeader.headerHeight ) { FixedHeader.scrollDisabled(); } else { FixedHeader.scrollEnabled(); } }, scrollDisabled : function() { $('#nav-bar').removeClass('fixed-nav-bar'); $('body').removeClass('fixed-header-on'); }, scrollEnabled : function() { $('#nav-bar').addClass('fixed-nav-bar'); $('body').addClass('fixed-header-on'); } }; // Parallax ///////////////////////// ThemifyParallax = { init: function() { this.windowHeight = $(window).height(); $(window).resize(function(){ ThemifyParallax.windowHeight = $(window).height(); }); if(themifyScript.scrollingEffect) { if(themifyScript.scrollingEffectType == 'effect1'){ this.setup_effect_1(); } else { this.setup_effect_2(); } } else { this.setBackground(); } }, setup_effect_1: function() { var self = ThemifyParallax; self.setBackground(); // set background fullcover // only work in query section if ( ! $('body').hasClass('query-section') || is_ie() ){ return; } $('.section-post, #headerwrap').each(function(){ var ids = $(this).prop('id'), $elemns = $('#' + ids ), didScroll = false; setInterval(function() { if ( didScroll ) { didScroll = false; self.run($elemns); } }, 550); $(window).on('scroll touchstart.touchScroll touchmove.touchScroll', function(){ didScroll = true; }); }); }, setup_effect_2: function(){ $('.section-post, #headerwrap').each(function(){ // Store some variables based on where we are var $self = $(this), bgImage = typeof $self.data('bg') !== 'undefined' ? 'url("'+ $self.data('bg') +'")' : ''; $self.addClass('scrolling-bg-image').css({ backgroundImage: bgImage }); if( typeof $.fn.builderParallax !== 'undefined' ){ $self.builderParallax("50%", 0.1); } }); }, run: function(elemns) { var $window = $(window), pos = $window.scrollTop(), $element = elemns, top = $element.offset().top, height = $element.outerHeight(true); // Check if totally above or totally below viewport if (top + height < pos || top > pos + ThemifyParallax.windowHeight) { return; } var cssTopPos = Math.max(Math.round((pos - top) * 0.2), 0) + 'px'; $element.css('top', cssTopPos); if($('#nav-bar').hasClass('fixed-nav-bar')) { $('#nav-bar').css({'bottom': ''}); } }, newPos: function( pos, adjust, ratio ) { return ((pos - adjust) * ratio) + "px"; }, parallaxElements: function(){ // shortcode columns add class $('.col2-1.first, .col3-1.first, .col3-2.first, .col4-1.first, .col4-2.first, .col4-3.first', $('#body, #footer')).each(function(){ var $this = $(this); if($this.hasClass('col2-1')) { $this.next('.col2-1').addClass('last'); $this.next('.col4-1').addClass('third').next('.col4-1').addClass('last'); } else if($this.hasClass('col3-1')) { $this.next('.col3-1').addClass('second').next('.col3-1').addClass('last'); $this.next('.col3-2').addClass('last'); } else if($this.hasClass('col3-2')) { $this.next('.col3-1').addClass('last'); } else if($this.hasClass('col4-1')) { $this.next('.col4-1').addClass('second').next('.col4-1').addClass('third').next('.col4-1').addClass('last'); $this.next('.col4-1').next('.col4-2').addClass('last'); } else if($this.hasClass('col4-2')) { $this.next('.col4-2').addClass('last'); $this.next('.col4-1').addClass('third').next('.col4-1').addClass('last'); } else if($this.hasClass('col4-3')) { $this.next('.col4-1').addClass('last'); } }); // gallery transition classes $('.gallery', $('#body')).each(function(){ var columns = $(this).attr('class').match(/gallery-columns-([0-9])/)[1]; $('dl', $(this)).addClass('middle'); $('dl:nth-of-type('+columns+'n+1)', $(this)).addClass('first'); $('dl:nth-of-type('+columns+'n+1)', $(this)).removeClass('middle'); $('dl:nth-of-type('+columns+'n+'+columns+')', $(this)).addClass('last'); $('dl:nth-of-type('+columns+'n+'+columns+')', $(this)).removeClass('middle'); if(columns > 3) { $('dl:nth-of-type('+columns+'n+2)', $(this)).addClass('second'); $('dl:nth-of-type('+columns+'n+2)', $(this)).removeClass('middle'); $('dl:nth-of-type('+columns+'n+'+(columns-1)+')', $(this)).addClass('third'); $('dl:nth-of-type('+columns+'n+'+(columns-1)+')', $(this)).removeClass('middle'); } }); $.each(themifyScript.transitionSetup.selectors, function(key, val){ $(val).addClass(themifyScript.transitionSetup.effect); }); }, setBackground: function(){ // Fullscreen bg if ( typeof $.fn.backstretch !== 'undefined') { var $section = $('.section-post, #headerwrap'), resizeId; $section.each(function() { var bg = $(this).data('bg'); if ( typeof bg !== 'undefined') { if ($(this).hasClass('fullcover')) { $(this).backstretch(bg); } else { $(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + bg + ')'); } } }); $(window).on('backstretch.show', function(e, instance) { instance.$container.css('z-index', ''); }).on('resize', function(){ clearTimeout(resizeId); resizeId = setTimeout(function(){ $section.each(function(){ if($(this).hasClass('fullcover')){ var instance = $(this).data("backstretch"); if('undefined' !== typeof instance) instance.resize(); } }); }, 500); }); } } }; // portfolio ajax post break point function portfolio_item_break_point() { // section portfolio break point $('.shortcode.portfolio, .module.module-portfolio, #loops-wrapper.query-type-portfolio').each(function(){ var selector = '', viewport = $(window).width(); // reset $(this).find('.sec-post-break').remove(); if($(this).hasClass('grid2-thumb') || $(this).hasClass('grid2')){ selector = '.post:nth-of-type(2n+2)'; } else if($(this).hasClass('grid4')) { selector = '.post:nth-of-type(4n+4)'; } else if($(this).hasClass('grid3')){ selector = '.post:nth-of-type(3n+3)'; } else if($(this).hasClass('grid2')) { selector = '.post:nth-of-type(2n+2)'; } else { selector = '.post:nth-of-type(1n+1)'; } // mobile if(viewport < 480) { selector = '.post:nth-of-type(1n+1)'; } $(this).find(selector).each(function(){ $('
').insertAfter($(this)); }); }); } // Returns real dimensions from scaled or hidden elements function realDimension($obj, dimension) { var $clone = $obj.clone().css('visibility', 'hidden').appendTo($('body') ), value = 'width' == dimension ? $clone.width() : $clone.height(); $clone.remove(); return value; } // Execute Earlier than $.ready and $.load if ( themifyScript.transitionEffect ) { ThemifyParallax.parallaxElements(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Execute when DOM is ready ///////////////////////////////////////////// $(document).ready(function() { var $body = $('body'), $skills = $('.progress-bar', $body); // Toggle main nav on mobile $body.on('click', '#menu-icon', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); $("#main-nav").fadeToggle(); $("#headerwrap #top-nav").hide(); $(this).toggleClass("active"); }); // Back to top $('.not-ie .back-top a').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); themeScrollTo(0); }); // Remove padding for admin bar, just let it sit on top of the background if ( $body.hasClass( 'home' ) && $body.hasClass( 'admin-bar' ) ) { $('html').css( 'cssText', 'margin-top:0 !important;' ); } // If is touch device, add class if (is_touch_device()) { $body.addClass('is-touch'); var vh = $(window).height(); if ( $body.hasClass('home') ) { $('#headerwrap, #header').css('height', vh); } } // Show/Hide direction arrows $('#body').on('mouseover mouseout', '.slideshow-wrap', function(event) { if (event.type == 'mouseover') { if( $(window).width() > 600 ){ $('.carousel-next, .carousel-prev', $(this)).css('display', 'block'); } } else { if( $(window).width() > 600 ){ $('.carousel-next, .carousel-prev', $(this)).css('display', 'none'); } } }); // Fixed header FixedHeader.init(); // Parallax section background ThemifyParallax.init(); // Height of top bar var menuHeight = $('#nav-bar').outerHeight(); // portfolio breakpoint portfolio_item_break_point(); // Portfolio expand js var portoInitialPos; $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.porto-expand-js', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), url = UpdateQueryString( 'porto_expand', 1, $this.attr('href') ), placehold = $this.closest('.post').nextAll('.sec-post-break').first(); if ( placehold.length === 0 ) placehold = $this.closest('.shortcode'); if ( placehold.length === 0 ) placehold = $this.closest('.module-portfolio'); if ( placehold.length === 0 ) placehold = $('
').appendTo( $this.closest('.post').parent() ); // cache the initial position portoInitialPos = $(window).scrollTop(); $('.portfolio-expanded').remove(); $('
') .appendTo(placehold).hide(); $('.portfolio-loader').remove(); $('
').appendTo($this.closest('.portfolio-post').find('.post-image')).show(); $('.portfolio-expanded').show(); $('#portfolio-lightbox-iframe').prop('src', url).load(function(){ var $contents = $(this).contents(); $('.portfolio-loader').remove(); $('.portfolio-expanded').hide().slideDown('slow'); themeScrollTo( $('.portfolio-expanded').offset().top - menuHeight, 1000 ); $body.trigger('portfolio_expanded'); $contents.find('.close-expanded').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('.portfolio-expanded').slideUp(800, function(){ $(this).remove(); }); themeScrollTo(portoInitialPos); }); }).iframeAutoHeight(); }); // #main-nav $body.on('touchstart touchmove touchend', '#main-nav', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Chart Initialization ///////////////////////////////////////////// if( typeof $.fn.easyPieChart !== 'undefined' ) { $.each(themifyScript.chart, function(index, value){ if( 'false' == value || 'true' == value ){ themifyScript.chart[index] = 'false'!=value; } else if( parseInt(value) ){ themifyScript.chart[index] = parseInt(value); } else if( parseFloat(value) ){ themifyScript.chart[index] = parseFloat(value); } }); $('.chart', $body).each(function(){ var $self = $(this), barColor = $self.data('color'), percent = $self.data('percent'); if( typeof barColor !== 'undefined' ) { themifyScript.chart.barColor = '#' + barColor.toString().replace('#', ''); $self.easyPieChart( themifyScript.chart ); $self.data('easyPieChart').update(0); if( typeof $.waypoints !== 'undefined' && themifyScript.transitionEffect ) { $self.waypoint(function(direction){ $self.data('easyPieChart').update(percent); }, {offset: '80%'}); $self.waypoint(function(direction){ if(direction === 'up') { $self.data('easyPieChart').update(0); } }, {offset: '92%'}); } else { $self.data('easyPieChart').update(percent); } } }); } $('.no-chart', $body).not('.module-feature').each(function () { var $self = $(this), $img = $self.find('img'), width = themifyScript.chart.size, height = themifyScript.chart.size; if ( $img.length > 0 ) { width = realDimension($img, 'width'); height = realDimension($img, 'height'); } $self.css({ 'width' : width + 'px', 'height': height + 'px' }).addClass('no-chart-ready'); }); ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Skillset Animation ///////////////////////////////////////////// if( themifyScript.transitionEffect ) { $skills.each(function(){ var $self = $(this).find('span'), percent = $self.data('percent'); if( typeof $.waypoints !== 'undefined' ) { $self.waypoint(function(direction){ $self.animate({width: percent}, 800); }, {offset: '80%'}) .waypoint(function(direction){ if(direction === 'up') { $self.animate({width: percent}, 800); } }, {offset: '20%'}) .waypoint(function(direction){ if(direction === 'up') { $self.width(0); } }, {offset: -10}) .waypoint(function(direction){ if(direction === 'down') { $self.width(0); } }, {offset: '110%'}); } }); } // Lightbox / Fullscreen initialization /////////// if(typeof ThemifyGallery !== 'undefined'){ ThemifyGallery.init({'context': jQuery(themifyScript.lightboxContext)}); } $(window).on('resize', function () { // Section Type Message Vertical Height var $context = $('#loops-wrapper'), $verticalSection = $('.section-post.message', $context); for (var i = 0; i < $verticalSection.length; i++) { var $selection = $verticalSection.eq(i); $selection.css({'lineHeight': parseInt( $verticalSection.css('height') ) + 'px'}); if($selection.find('.vertical-centered').length == 0){ $selection.find('.section-inner').wrapInner('
'); } } }); }); ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Execute when page is fully loaded ///////////////////////////////////////////// $(window).load(function() { // scrolling nav $('body').themifyScroll({ speed : 1000 }); // Header Video if ( ! is_touch_device() ) { if ( typeof $.BigVideo !== 'undefined' ) { var $videos = $('[data-fullwidthvideo]').not('.themify_builder_row'), fwvideos = []; $.each($videos, function (i, elm) { fwvideos[i] = new $.BigVideo({ useFlashForFirefox: true, container: $(elm).find('#header'), id: i }); fwvideos[i].init(); fwvideos[i].show($(elm).data('fullwidthvideo'), { doLoop : true }); }); } } // Header Background Color var $headerColor = $('#headerwrap[data-bgcolor]'); if ( $headerColor.length > 0 ) { var bgColor = $headerColor.data('bgcolor'); if ( ! $headerColor.hasClass('header-gallery') ) { var $stretchColor = $headerColor.find('.backstretch'); if ( $stretchColor.length > 0 ) { $headerColor.css( 'background', 'none' ); $stretchColor.css( 'background-color', '#' + bgColor ); } else { $headerColor.css( 'background-color', '#' + bgColor ); } } } // Carousel initialization ////////////////////////// if(typeof $.fn.carouFredSel !== 'undefined') { createCarousel( $( '.portfolio-post .slideshow' ), 'normal' ); } var target = window.location.hash.replace(/^#\!\//, "").replace('#',''); if (target !== '' && $('#' + target).length > 0) { var anchor = $('#' + target), destination = anchor.offset().top; themeScrollTo( destination, 1000 ); } // Check if isotope is enabled //////////////// if ( typeof ($.fn.infinitescroll) !== 'undefined') { if ($('.post').length > 0) { // isotope container, isotope item, item fetched by infinite scroll, infinite scroll infiniteIsotope('#loops-wrapper', '.post', '#content .post', '#loops-wrapper', false, ''); } if ($('.portfolio-post').length > 0) { // isotope container, isotope item, item fetched by infinite scroll, infinite scroll infiniteIsotope('.portfolio-wrapper', '.portfolio-post', '.portfolio-post', '.portfolio-wrapper', false, ''); } } }); }(jQuery));